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Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Mission & Values, Key to Success in Business

Every decent company/business should have mission and values in their bones, businesses shouldn't be allowed in the field without mission and values 

Mission Statement announce exactly where you are going while values describes the behavior that will take you there. Mission Statement answer question like, how do we intend to win/succeed? to answer the question of how to win in business requires companies and business to make choices about its people, investment and other resources.
Effective mission statement give people clear direction to profitability and an inspiration that there are part of something big and important. Its important that a company and its people harped on the company's mission in every meeting both big and small, employee who drive the company mission should be publicly rewarded.
Getting a mission statement for your business is easy, you can get input from anywhere, listen to smart people, though setting the mission is top management responsibility, mission statement must not be delegated to anyone except those ultimately held accountable.

Like we say earlier, Values describe the behaviors that will take you to your mission. the process of creating values has to be interactive, the management may come up with a first version, The management has to go out and ensure they have created an atmosphere where people feel its their obligation to contribute. Values like "we treat customers the way we will want to be treated"its pretty tangible. below are some behaviors which make values come to life.

1. Never let profit center conflicts get in the way of doing what is right for the customers
2. Give customers a fair deal, good customer service take time, its wrong to maximize short term profit at the expense of building those enduring relationship.
3. Look for ways to make it easier to do business with us
4. Its important you communicate daily with your customers, if there are talking to you, they can't be talking to your competitors.
5. Always remember to say "thank you"
Furthermore, to make values really important businesses have to reward the people who exhibit them and punish those who don't, this will make winning in business easier.

Whenever a manager is asked to leave because he didn't demonstrate the values, the organisation respond incredibly well.

In conclusion, a good mission statement and excellence values are great, but for a business values and mission to truly work together as a winning tool, there have to be mutually reinforcing. people in business often talk about mission and values, but too often the result is more talk and less real action. businesses need to know that there is too much to loose by not getting your mission and values straight, businesses will not reach its full potentials and wining in business will be difficult when mission and values are not concrete.

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