1. Live Below your Earning: You cannot become debt free if you spend more than you earn, is that simple! Financial stress relief is called "positive cash flow" or money in bank.
2. Decide where you want to spend your money: Don't let others decide for you, know how much money you are bringing in, how much goes out & to where it goes, track all expenses, fixed and variables, if you are not satisfied, now is the time to change your spending habits.
3. Pay your bills promptly: Managing monthly bills is an essential parts of staying debt free and maintaining a good credit rating, come up with a system to ensure that bills are not paid late.
4. Set Financial Goals (Short and Long Term): Having goals in place makes it easier to make the necessary spending cuts to get what you really want. Time can be your best ally or worst enemy. without reason to save, you will spend money for things you don't need.
5. Use credit only as a tools and with a plan: figure out how and when you will pay the balance, imagine building a house without blueprints that what your financial house will look like, too without a plan.
6. Have an adequate emergency saving fund: Life will throw you curve-ball, tree to six month worth of bore-bones, living expenses should shield you from these problems. Don't have it, start with the three days worth and watch it grow as savings becomes a habit.
7. Learn how to invest your savings: Your money has to earn more money, to keep you out of debt, especially in your later years, take a class, find a referral to a great advisor or just start reading-educate yourself!
Good Luck!
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